
Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have made significant strides in visual question-answering for single images. Recent advancements like long-context LMMs have allowed them to ingest larger, or even multiple, images. However, the ability to process a large number of visual tokens does not guarantee effective retrieval and reasoning for multi-image question answering (MIQA), especially in real-world applications like photo album searches or satellite imagery analysis. In this work, we first assess the limitations of current benchmarks for long-context LMMs. We address these limitations by introducing a new vision-centric, long-context benchmark, "Visual Haystacks (VHs)". We comprehensively evaluate both open-source and proprietary models on VHs, and demonstrate that these models struggle when reasoning across potentially unrelated images, perform poorly on cross-image reasoning, as well as exhibit biases based on the placement of key information within the context window. Towards a solution, we introduce MIRAGE (Multi-Image Retrieval Augmented Generation), an open-source, lightweight visual-RAG framework that processes up to 10k images on a single 40G A100 GPU -- far surpassing the 1k-image limit of contemporary models. MIRAGE demonstrates up to 13% performance improvement over existing open-source LMMs on VHs, sets a new state-of-the-art on the RetVQA multi-image QA benchmark, and achieves competitive performance on single-image QA with state-of-the-art LMMs.

Visual Haystacks (VHs): A Vision-centric Needle-In-A-Haystack Benchmark

Visual Haystacks (VHs) is a "vision-centric" Needle-In-A-Haystack (NIAH) benchmark specifically designed to evaluate the capabilities of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) in visual retrieval and reasoning over sets of unrelated images. Unlike conventional NIAH challenges that center on artificial, text-related retrieval and understanding with limited anecdotal examples, VHs contains a much larger number of examples and focuses on "simple visual tasks", providing a more accurate reflection of LMMs' capabilities when dealing with extensive visual context.

VHs dataset overview

The dataset is derived from the in-domain COCO dataset and includes straightforward questions, focusing exclusively on long-context visual retrieval and reasoning capabilities. It features two types of challenges: the Single-Needle Challenge and the Multi-Needle Challenge. For more information, please visit our GitHub repository.

  1. Single-Needle Challenge: Only a single needle image exists in the haystack of images. The question is framed as, "For the image with the anchor object, is there a target object?"
  2. Multi-Needle Challenge: Two or three needle images exist in the haystack of images. The question is framed as either, "For all images with the anchor object, do all of them contain the target object?" or "For all images with the anchor object, do any of them contain the target object?"

Comprehensive Analyses/Interesting Findings

  • Context Limitations: Current LMMs cannot process more than 100 images due to API rejections (payload exceeding limits), context length overflows, or memory constraints on 4 A100 GPUs.
  • Susceptibility to Visual Distractors: While LMMs can perform nearly as well as specialized detectors on single-image tasks, their effectiveness decreases significantly as the number of images increases.
Effectiveness of LMMs with increasing number of images
  • Challenges in Cross-Image Reasoning: LMMs experience substantial performance declines when required to integrate information across multiple key images; reintroducing noisy images exacerbates this decline even further.
Challenges in Cross-Image Reasoning
  • Positional Biases: LMMs exhibit various positional biasesā€”information placed at different positions within the context window yields different results. For instance, GPT-4 exhibits a "lost-in-the-middle" phenomenon in the visual domain, Gemini 1.5 Pro shows a preference for images at the beginning, and open-source models often favor the last image when given a small set.
Positional Biases in LMMs

Our Solution: MIRAGE - Multi-Image Retrieval Augmented Generation

Through extensive experiments above, we demonstrated that existing LMMs struggle with inputs exceeding 100 images due to API limitations, context overflow, or hardware constraints on 4 A100 GPUs. Also, these models often face issues such as visual distractions, cross-image reasoning difficulties, and positional biases. To overcome these challenges, we developed MIRAGE (8.3B), a pioneering, open-source visual-RAG baseline model based on LMMs capable of handling tens of thousands of images.

  • Model Architecture: MIRAGE handles questions and images through several steps: encoding features with CLIP, compressing image features with our Q-Former, calculating relevance scores with a retriever, and feeding only relevant images to the LLM. During instruction finetuning, the model is supervised for the next token prediction and the relevance prediction task, utilizing Binary Cross Entropy loss between the ground truth {0, 1} and the predicted number.

  • Multi-Image Instruction Tuning Dataset: We construct an open-source multi-image instruction tuning dataset. We augment existing single-image LLaVA instruction tuning data into a multi-image fashion. Additionally, we include a mix of data from other multi-image sources including RetVQA, SlideVQA, and WebQA.
  • Exceptional VHs Performance: Our MIRAGE model stands out in the VHs challenges. It is the only solution capable of scaling to 10,000 input images, demonstrating up to a 13% performance improvement over existing open-source alternatives and leading in most cases. Additionally, it surpasses GPT-4 and Gemini 1.5 Pro in the single-needle challenge with more than 50 images. However, its suboptimal performance in the multi-needle challenge highlights significant areas for improvement.
  • Reasonable VQA Performance: The MIRAGE model excels in the multi-image VQA task, significantly outperforming competitors like GPT-4o, Gemini-v1.5, and the Large World Model (LWM). MIRAGE also maintains solid performance on single-image tasks, showcasing its versatile reasoning capabilities.


  title={Visual Haystacks: A Vision-Centric Needle-In-A-Haystack Benchmark},
  author={Wu, Tsung-Han and Biamby, Giscard and and Quenum, Jerome and Gupta, Ritwik and Gonzalez, Joseph E and Darrell, Trevor and Chan, David M},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.13766},